Introduction to the Hydrocarbon Unit
The Hydrocarbon Unit is an establishment within the Geological Survey Department of the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, with the core responsibility of effectively co-ordinating petroleum exploration activities in the Republic of Zambia. It is also instrumental in building institutional capacity in the management of petroleum and other exploration activities in the event that a commercial discovery is made.
The establishment and functions of the Hydrocarbon Unit are outlined in the Petroleum (Exploration and production) Act, 2008. As provided in Part (12), Section (82), Subsection (1) of the Act, the Unit shall perform its functions so as to attain the objectives of the Petroleum Act.
1.1 Functions of the Hydrocarbon Unit
Specifically, the Unit undertakes the following:
i. Implementing Government policy relating to the exploration for, and the development and production of, petroleum;
ii. Providing advice to, and information required by, the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development;
iii. Carry out preliminary seismic and geo-physical surveys for hydrocarbons;
iv. Compile available seismic, aeromagnetic and geo-physical data into packages that would encourage detailed exploration activities;
v. Promoting petroleum exploration activities;
vi. Monitor geological, geophysical and geochemical exploration activities including adherence to approved environmental management plans during petroleum exploration by holders of licences under the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act;
vii. Receiving and processing bids and application for licences under the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act;
Find and download the Petroleum Exploration and Production General Regulations 2010 here: